prayers too big for words: images from toul sleng prison and the killing fields at choeung ek
I’ve never posted my images taken from the day, over a year ago, when I visited Toul Sleng prison and the Killing Fields at Choeung Ek in...

July YAGM Newsletter
To view my July 2016 YAGM Cambodia Newsletter, sent to sponsors, family, friends, and congregations, please click the above photo or...

wisdom notes from dad
I've got a pretty cool dad. And I know most people think that about their own fathers - and maybe it's true - but I really lucked out...

the crazy, wonderful faces of kruos church
Kruos Village Lutheran Church and Life Center conducts incredible community services via the hard work and dedication of a large number...

May YAGM Newsletter
To view my May 2016 YAGM Cambodia Newsletter, sent to sponsors, family, friends, and congregations, please click the above photo or click...

photos: khmer wedding season
Despite being the hottest time of the year, the period between January and April is a joyfully welcomed season: it's wedding season! In...

March YAGM Newsletter
To view my March 2016 YAGM Cambodia Newsletter, sent to sponsors, family, friends, and congregations, please click the above photo or...

Opening Up: Accompaniment, Vulnerability, and a Brutal Back Rub
I haven't been able to move for two days. My legs shake when I try to hold myself up, my head feels like it is being squeezed in a...

I finally have a P.O. Box!
I have a really fun announcement today! After half a year of believing that getting mail in Cambodia is near impossible, and many...

January YAGM Newsletter
To view my January 2016 YAGM Cambodia Newsletter, sent to sponsors, family, friends, and congregations, please click the above photo or...