Fall Break in Oualidia
Originally Published on St. Olaf's Term in the Middle East Group Blog. The beauty of Term in the Middle East is how absolutely calculated...
Photos: Essaouira
#time #time2012 #morocco #terminthemiddleeast #photos
Photos: Marrakesh
#time2012 #time #terminthemiddleeast #morocco #marrakesh
Photos: Atlas Mountains
#time #time2012 #terminthemiddleeast #morocco
Photos: Sahara
#time #time2012 #terminthemiddleeast #morocco #sahara #photos #video
Photos: Driving Morocco
#time #time2012 #terminthemiddleeast #morocco
A Merry Moroccan Birthday
Originally Published on St. Olaf's Term in the Middle East Group Blog. On our last Thursday evening in Fez, Lauren and I were invited to...
Photos: Eid Al-Adha
#photos #morocco #fez #eidaladha #time #time2012 #terminthemiddleeast
harem- noun 1. The part of a palace or house reserved for the residence of women. 2 .The women of a (Muslim) household, including the...
Medina at Night
Originally Published on St. Olaf's Term in the Middle East Group Blog. The city retires early. When the sun sets at 5:30 over the...